Prayers That Change Destiny is the concept of studying, articulating and declaring Gods Word in prayer with a view to the Word becoming flesh in our lives and circumstances. The results, changes and transformation these prayers bring to our destinies are an undeniable testament to the truth and potency of Gods Word. In the natural, we are destined to walk in the paths of our fathers. There are certain things encoded in our DNA that we cannot avoid, just by simply being born into our families. However, when we come into the family of God through Christ, we become born again, into an entirely new family. The generational curses and drawbacks we are destined to face as a part of our natural families are broken as a result of our new birth experience and because the prayers of the righteous avails much (James 5:16)
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The book, “Your Destiny and Your Palace” is a book resource which details the various challenges and pitfalls people face in the quest for their land of promise, the palace of their dreams and desires. Aside from providing information about most common mistakes and issues people experience on the journey to the palace, it also contains helpful tips, inspirational truths and wisdom on how to be effective and successful in their quest for the palace.
One may be curious as to the motivation for a work like this. The truth is this book is the result of years of study and research into the reasons people fail or succeed in their quest for the palace. Most of the insights and examples used in this work are biblical, but insights and experience has also been drawn from other secular sources as well as the writer’s personal experiences.
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Deep Calls Unto Deep is a 366 Day Bible Devotional written under the inspiration and guide of the Holy Spirit. The main purpose of this work is to provide the child of God who wants to grow in his or her Christian walk with a rich daily inspirational and devotional resource to help them achieve this purpose.
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Pray-Through Prayers to Defeat Attacks Against Destiny is a combination of detailed and powerful prayers for most of lifes situations and attacks. The compilation of these prayers is based on the inspiration and leading of the Spirit of God, and these prayers have been proven and tested with positive results and life-changing testimonies. The Holy Spirit knows the immediate and future needs and challenges of man, so He is best suited to instruct and guide us in our approach to prayer (Romans 8:2628). The principle of prayer draws from the practice of communicating with God on the basis of His Word. Therefore, except it is grounded in scripture, there is no other foundation for the prayer communion to be fully potent and effective. As such, each subtitle in this book, after the initial definitions, is tied to scriptural references to further enlighten the reader on the biblical basis for the prayers in question.
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Praying the Scriptures is a Christian resource that equips the reader with relevant information on the concept of prayer
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